Rāga Chitra
April 17 & 18, 2023
Venue: The Studio Theatre, NMACC, Mumbai
Rāga Chitra celebrates music, the Indian melodic rāga system that enriches dance with infinite possibilities of imagery and emotional contexts. The relationship between dance and a rāga is multifaceted. Rāga Chitra presents some of them.
Abhipsaa - a seeking
April 11, 2023
Venue: Sri Ratan Tata Koothu Kovil, Adishakti, Puducherry
"ABHIPSAA — a seeking" charts a journey of discovery in physical, emotional, and spiritual realms. In four choreographic works Satpathy expands the parameters of the formal and representational norms of the Odissi tradition through both narrative and non-narrative dances - reimagining classical Odissi forms through a personalised interpretation.
Doha at The Met — NYC, NY
September 13, 2022
In her fifth and final performance as 2021-2022 MetLiveArts Artist in Residence, Bijayini builds on her prior explorations of movement and art with an evening-length performance for the stage of the Grace Rainey Rogers Auditorium.
Workshop & Lecture
September 14, 2022
Bijayini Satpathy will be facilitating a workshop and also deliver a lecture at the Dance Department, Hunter’s College, NYC.
The Dr. Sunil Kothari Honorary Lecture
September 19, 2022
Bijayini Satpathy maps the journey of Odissi from the pre-Christian period to the global dance that Odissi is today, addressing the key milestones on the way of its evolution as a first guest for “The Dr. Sunil Kothari Honorary Lecture” instituted by New York Public Library for the Performing Arts.